Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Do You Know Why They Call Alcohol "Spirits?"

Alcohol opens you open to spiritual possession. People are not themselves when they drink because spirits take over

MSM Finally Admits - 4th Jab Could Shut Down Your Immune System

 It started with the first jab but okay...

Evil History Of Modern Medicine - Secret Truth Behind Medical Insignia

 Modern Medicine is mostly evil. Except for a traumatic injury, I will never go to a doctor.

30-Year Water Treatment Veteran BLOWS Fluoride Out of the Water!!

 FLUoride is a nuerotoxin. Doesn't belong it humans.

Holohoax Tales- Slovakian Student Confronts Holocaust Liars In A Synagogue

 Lady waffles on gas chamber question

Owen Hart Freemason Death Fakery

May 23 is the 25th anniversary of this alleged death. 

I talked about this extensively here, here and here.

I think this guy does a good job questioning Owen's death showing the duping delight of Owen Hart's wife and a smirk by Bret Hart paying tribute to his brother during a match dedicated to him

The Presidential Bloodlines (Allegedly, All Presidents Are Blood Related)

 Yeah it must be a coincidence